Steering the company into the future

Dato’ Tan Yee Boon
Independent Non-Executive Chairman
- Bachelor of Laws (UK), Certificate of Legal Practice (Malaysia)
- 25 years of experience in the legal practice
- He now sits on the board of directors of EV Dynamics (Holdings) and TIL Enviro Limited. He is also an Independent Non-Executive Director of Feytech Holdings Berhad as well as Acting Chairman and Independent Non-Executive Director of Propel Global Berhad.

Wong Choi Ong
Non-Independent Executive Director /
Managing Director
- 29 years of experience in the construction of palm oil mills and facilities
- Contributed significantly to the expansion into Indonesia, Gabon and Liberia
- Responsible for driving the future direction of Ecoscience, development of business strategies and business opportunities, etc

Thing Jin Suan
Non-Independent Executive Director
- Bachelor of Chemical Engineering degree
- 20 years of experience in sales and marketing, 10 years of experience in growth strategies and business development.
- Responsible for the management and implementation of projects to ensure timely delivery to customers.
- Appointed to the board on 1 January 2025

Law Sang Thiam
Independent Non-Executive Director
(Chairman of Audit and Risk Management Committee and a member of Remuneration and Nomination Committees)
- Bachelor of Accounting
- A member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants and Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants
- 23 years of experience in audit, accounting, tax advisory and other corporate exercises
- He is also an Independent Non-Executive Director of Spring Art Holdings Berhad, MCE Holdings Berhad, and Icents Group Holdings Berhad

Ang Chye Kian
Independent Non-Executive Director
(Chairman of Remuneration Committee and a member of Nomination and Audit and Risk Management Committees)
- Diploma of Managerial Principles
- An associate of the Malaysian Institute of Management
- 27 years of experience in the banking industries

Andrea Huong Jia Mei
Independent Non-Executive Director
(Chairman of Nomination Committee and a member of Remuneration and Audit and Risk Management Committees)
- Diploma in Commerce (Financial Accounting) and Advanced Diploma in Commerce (Financial Accounting)
- A Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, and a Chartered Accountant with the Malaysian Institute of Accountants
- 18 years of experience in audit, 12 years of experience in secretarial and management services
- She is currently a Director of T&S Boardroom Sdn Bhd, an Independent Non-Executive Director of Siab Holdings Berhad, Unique Fire Holdings Berhad, Yew Lee Pacific Group Berhad and HE Group Berhad.